Ah, yes! We
Americans love our Cream of Mushroom soup. It’s the gloppy substance that we
have come to know so well. We rely on it
to “complete” us. But there’s a love/hate relationship that lies within us
regarding this ultimate American shortcut. We love our foods smothered in this
creamy concoction, yet the foods we love are often unrecognizable after being
covered with this soupy stuff.
The kind of food
we would devour in days of yore is now found in a can. This is one of the
signature ingredients in most tasty dishes that are all too easy to prepare.
And my heart sinks when I see the ingredient list and the first thing to jump
out of the page is the line: “1 can of Cream of Mushroom soup.” I say this
knowing that if you are GF you can’t have this. It’s got wheat in it.
my case, it’s a double whammy because I can’t have the milk either. So…what do
you do? You pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try like mad to find a
suitable substitute for the elusive pimpernel known as Cream of Mushroom Soup.
The Vita-Mix blender does come in handy. You can whip up a white sauce fairly fast. And it does taste pretty good. Or I will "cheat" at times and use the rotation method where I simply eat off my GF diet. That can only take you so far.
You must be inventive and there are ways
and ways to get round this. I have tried healthy organic versions of Cream of
Mushroom that end up in the deep-6 file (the trash) PDQ. And then there are
some cases where substitutes will work. Mayonnaise is a wonderful blend, but
it’s just not the same as the cream of mushroom soup. Damn it, that goopy stuff
does taste good! That’s why people like us… (by us I’m talking about lazy
Americans who really don’t like to cook), use this substance. It takes a lot of
the guesswork and complicated measuring out of the cooking process. You just
dump it in and mix it around whatever you happen to be cooking and….voila!
Supper is ready!
I still use this canned goop in some
recipes. That is because I can’t find adequate substitutes that taste good and
are quick and easy. So the good ol’ Cream of Mushroom soup is still in some of
the holiday dishes and staples found in my upcoming cookbook. If you are
severely allergic to wheat, as are those with celiac disease, then you cannot
use Cream of Mushroom soup. But don’t despair. There are plenty of alternatives
listed and the white sauce is better than the creamy glop. You may have to
invest in a very good blender, but it will be well worth it in the end.
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